Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Things At Which I Am Just No Good

  1. Exercising self-restraint
  2. Masking my feelings
  3. Exercising on a regular basis
  4. Giving up caffeine
  5. Taking my thyroid medication
  6. Folding my clean laundry in a timely fashion
  7. Putting my foot down
  8. Making pie crusts
  9. Meeting deadlines
  10. Holding back tears
  11. Being quiet
  12. Taking quick showers
  13. Finishing my book club books
  14. Listening to music at low volumes
  15. Biting my tongue
  16. Keeping secrets


Stephie said...

Literally, it's good you're no good at #15 ;-), and after our visit on Sunday, I disagree with #6 :-)

Mom said...

you nailed them Big Girl!!