Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Technology Hates Me, Part 2

So today the transmission on my car blew up. I swear to holy heaven. I don't know what the freaking deal is, but this is becoming totally ridiculous. I am scheduled to make my LAST car payment on this thing in T-minus 3 months and counting, and *of course* the effing transmission has to go and blow up on me! To make things worse, the tranny was rebuilt, brand new, for me when I bought it in August 2005. Sure, it's been two years and 35,000 miles, but a transmission ought to last a far piece longer than THAT!

On the flip side, my new hard drive arrived in the mail, fresh from Gateway. Shimron (Shaun's best friend), bless his heart, has ever-so-kindly agreed to examine the busted hard drive and see if any of my data can be recovered, as well as install the new one for me. He told me tonight he can even have it back to me tomorrow, which is a blessing because my homework is piling up and I NEED my computer!!

So, lovely readers, please keep your fingers crossed for me that, by some miracle of nature, a magical money elf appears and offers to pay for my transmission rebuild so that I can still buy my family and friends Christmas presents this year, because it'll probably cost me at least $1000, which is my Christmas budget.

Fingers crossed people!!

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