So I know it's been about a million years since I updated. My bad. I've been getting more hours at Gap recently and I've been taking them because I need the dinero. Shaun now has two jobs as well, so between the two of us we have four -- who says there's an unemployment problem in Michigan?? I am OVER employed if you ask me. I have to work twice as hard just to afford my bills. But anyway, no excuses, shit has just been boring lately.
On Friday night I went out with Linda and Kathy to the Post Bar in Novi. It is pretty much the lamest bar on the planet. If I could talk my friends into it I would never go there again. Or Woody's in Royal Oak: also freaking lame! Friday everyone but me got totally and utterly annihilated -- so I brought everyone back to my house to sleep it off and then drove people home and to work the next morning. I swear I am the greatest friend of all time! (Haha, just kidding ladies, you know I got your backs!)
Today while driving to work I nearly had an aneurism while stuck behind some dillhole doing 65 in the fast line. My theory is thus -- if you want to be a law abiding citizen then whoo-hoo for you! But do NOT get in the fast lane of a FOUR LANE highway and impose your ideals about obeying the speed limit on the poor, unsuspecting people behind you. I go 80 whenever possible and when you get in my way, and then refuse to switch lanes and make me bob and weave and go three lanes out of my way to get around you, you're getting the bird, and that's all there is to it. Yes, I have road rage and I'm proud of it. I usually only express it while in the car alone. I try not to make other people suffer through the profanities that tumble out of my mouth when I get stuck behind someone that has zero business behind the wheel of a car anyway.
This weekend is Matt and Beth's wedding and I am super excited. I went to Nordstrom RACK with Kira (it was my first time there) and holy crap! I got a beautiful dress for $99 that was originally $365!! And some cute shoes for $50 too. Deal, deal, deal. Gap is having the biggest sale in the history of mankind right now, and I think it's the Victoria's Secret semi-annual sale as well, so Friday might be a shopping day!
In other news my Aunt Mary and Uncle Jim (Mom's little sis and her hubby) are coming to Detroit (*gasp* it's a miracle!) this weekend, and also Brian and Stephanie are going to be in town, so with the out-of-towners and the wedding this promises to be a very busy weekend.
Now I am going to go make some popcorn and watch Entourage again. It's my new Sex and the City. If you don't know about Entourage, you need to call your cable company and order HBO, hands down it's the best show on TV.
Peace out homies. More updates after this weekend. I'll have a LOT of new pics to put up.