Monday, November 30, 2009

Murphy’s Law, or A Story in Which Everything That Can Go Wrong, Will.

Let me explain. No, there is too much. Let me sum up.

Shaun and I are not getting married. I moved back to stay with my mum and dad for a bit while I finish graduate school. Their house was broken into and just enough things were stolen to ruin my life for the next several weeks, including my computer and the engagement ring which was legally Shaun’s. Am now trying to finish my semester without losing my mind, and simultaneously hoping that Shaun opts not to take me to small claims court for the ring, since it was uninsured.

So. At the end of this, the longest and most ridiculous relationship of my life, I’m left with a lot of questions I don’t know the answers to. Most of them begin with the word, “Why.” For example, Why did I let this go on for so long, knowing that I was not ever going to be really happy? Oh, and, Why did he even ask me to marry him in the first place? I’m resigned to the fact that I may not ever know the answers to these questions. I’m also determined not to *ever* let this shit happen again.

Maybe I’ll join the Peace Corps. Maybe I’ll get a job in Chicago or Texas and move away. Maybe I’ll move downtown like I’ve been wanting to for ages. Maybe I’ll hit the lottery and go live out the rest of my days in Spain. Maybe I’ll go out and get absolutely shitfaced with my friends every weekend between December 12th and whenever the hell winter semester starts.

Or maybe I’ll do all of these things. And anything else I want to do.

Anything I want to do. I barely know what that means anymore, and that’s pathetic.

So I’ll conclude this web log entry with another question, only this one is of the What variety.

Maria, What do you really want to do? I'm open to suggestions.

Stay tuned, dear reader, stay tuned. Oh, and if you’re in Detroit any time soon and feel like having a beer with someone, do call me, will you?

Sunday, November 29, 2009

A Resurrection Of Sorts

So I've decided to bring my blog back to life. Holler if you're still out there. Keep an eye out....

Friday, January 02, 2009

For the Star Wars Geeks

This video is up for a People's Choice Award this year (you can vote for it once a day up til January 7th at He took John Williams' most famous movie themes and made a song about Star Wars. If I wasn't already engaged to Shaun, I might try to marry this young man. Enjoy.